Following tips can help you to relieve from back pain.

1. Drink tea daily twice made with five black peppers, 5 cloves and 1 g of dry ginger powder. This tea will help to reduce back pain/Spinal pain.

2. Apply betel leave juice mixed with the coconut oil and apply on the pain area. It will cure hip pain and back pain.

3. Saute Delonix elata(VadhaNarayani in Tamil) with little Castor oil and do dressing on the pain area. Pain will be gone away.

4. Take five garlic pods without skin and add with 50 ml sesame oil. Heat for 20 minutes. Apply and rub this oil on the pain area for 10 minutes. You can get instant relief from back pain.

5. Take little dry ginger powder mixed with two black peppers and enough butter. Eat this mix daily for a week. You will see a better result.

6. People who sit in chair and work and bike riders, drivers who have back pain should eat papaya, drumstick, orange, pomegranate, amla, pear, honey, carrot, apple, Mango, Jack fruit, coconut water frequently to get away from back pain.