Summer is started now. Now itself we can't able to adopt heat. You do not need to say how much heat will be in the upcoming months.

Everyone skin is different from each other. Mine is mixed type. Sometime I would have oily skin and sometime it will be a dry skin.

But, I used to give extra care to my skin during summer. You would have different kind of skin and care routines. If you share yours in the comment section, it will be useful for others. 

So here is mine:

Drink plenty of water. Water is the best medicine in the world. I used to avoid tin juices and take coconut water and sarbath. If not, I drink plenty of water. This will avoid skin getting dry. 

Weekly once or twice taking oil bath. Using castor oil, vitamin e oilcoconut oil for hair. If you have oil skin means mix tea tree oil few drops with these mixtures and use it for the face also. 

Tea tree oil is the best ingredient to control your oily skin. It is very useful to reduce a pimple and acne. 

While taking oil baths, don't use soaps. Use gram flour.

Don't rub your face with kerchiefs often. Skin may turn very tight and rough. Whenever you have timewash your face and neck with cold water.

Early morning washing your face with warm water, gives you a fresh look after some time.

Allow your skin to breath freely.

Don't use talcum powders for your sweating. Betterthen you could avoid skin problems.

Two days once, Apply fresh aloe Vera jell with a mix of few drops of vitamin e oil. This makes your skin very soft and acts as a good moisturizer.

Then one important thing. Our food habits. Eat lite and fresh foods. 

Keep your mind calm and relax.