Decrease body heat

The intensity of the sunlight will be high as it is summer now. Thus overheating the body. It is also prone to many heat illnesses. For some people, even in winter, they get sick and hot. No matter how much water they drink, the heat will not go down. Thus for those who are always hot, Chicory leaves help as a medicine.

Add Solanum Trilobatum with chicory leaves and mix it with moong dal. Boil it well or grind it in a mixer and eat it twice a week to reduce body heat. The Siddhas say that this is good green to relieve body heat.

Lose weight

Some people's bodies look well plump. They cannot walk long distances. Will suffer from not being able to act fast. They will breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of those who are lean. Sometimes they will starve without eating food that will cause them to lose weight. Some people say that they do not lose weight after doing many exercises. There are many reasons for this.

Excess water in the body makes the body bloated. No matter what kind of medicine is given to them, they will not lose weight. If they eat chicory leaves in combination with moong dal, it will help to remove unwanted water from the body and keep the body hydrated.

Also, if you boil this spinach in water and make it into a soup and drink it, you will lose weight.

For diabetics

Chicory spinach is a wonderful medicine for diabetics. Lack of proper diet, sleep, and exercise can lead to diabetes. Diabetes is also caused by heredity and for some reason.

This spinach can help relieve the effects of diabetes.

These leaves can be dried and powdered in the shade, mixed with 1 teaspoon of hot water in the morning, and taken on an empty stomach to control diabetes.

For women

Chicory leaves are a good remedy for whitening and excessive shedding in women.

This spinach can be dried and powdered in the shade and mixed with honey daily and eat to cure bleaching.

Or if you eat this spinach twice a week for lunch, you will stop bleeding.

Heal the incurable sore

Some people have sores that do not heal easily. Ulcers in people with diabetes can sometimes go as far as surgery. For this, grind the chicory spinach well and apply it to the sore and the ulcers will heal very quickly.
To purify the blood

Today's modern diet is reducing the vitamins for the blood without getting the necessary nutrients to the body. And pure oxygen is not available. Bile builds up in the body due to factors such as stress and the bile mixes with the blood and contaminates the blood. Thus reducing the number of white blood cells in the blood.

For this, if you boil and eat chicory spinach with moong dal, the blood will be cleansed and the immunity will increase.

To develop the masculinity

Chicory spinach has mineral-enhancing properties. It is a good idea to include this in your diet once a week.

Its root cures fever and gives strength to the body. It is high in vitamin green.

You can live a healthy life by using such useful greens often.