Sesbania grandiflora, also known as Agathi Keerai or the vegetable hummingbird, is a small loosely branching tree belonging to the family Fabaceae and genus Sesbania. All parts of the Sesbania grandiflora tree are used for its indispensable medicinal properties in traditional Ayurvedic medicines.

Agathi, a genus of plants. It grows in gardens, especially on waterlogged lands. There are two varieties of agathi leaves. One variety has white flowers and the other one has red flowers called red august tree leaves. The common variety is white flower august tree leaves. The taste of agathi leaves is bitter but has a bunch of healthy values.

It is slightly salty and cold. It should not be eaten during other medications. This is because the dosage of the drugs will be reduced and the medicinal capacity will be destroyed.

Squeeze the agathi leaves and take the extract.  Apply two drops of its extract on the nose to cure the fever. Apply Agathi leaf extract on the forehead and lightly warm the forehead to get rid of severe headaches.

Agathi is rich in Calcium, vitamin A. Mothers who do not secrete enough milk can eat agathi frequently. It helps to secret milk. 

The agathi should be cooked well and eaten. It has the power to expel worms from the stomach. Eliminates constipation.

If children have a cold, mix the 5:1 ratio of the agathi juice and honey and feed them.

It is gaseous. Therefore, people with gastrointestinal disorders should not eat these greens.

Frequent addition of these greens to the diet can lead to spoiling blood in the body. Rash and scabies may appear. Decreased blood flow can lead to anemia. Abdominal pain and diarrhea may occur.