Sugar disease is also known as diabetes. References to diabetes are increasingly found in Siddha medical texts. The first prediction of the disease was that ants would be attracted after a diabetes person urinates. In this disease, all the organs are likely to be affected without being a specific part of the body.

The Siddha describe the various organs of the body as affected by sweets as "Ten disorders". The disease is said to be caused by bile. The food we eat consists of three major categories: carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. Diabetes is caused by a deficiency in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate we take in is digested in the digestive tract and becomes glucose, which is absorbed by the intestines and mixed in the bloodstream within 90 minutes of eating. Then it goes into the cells through physical exertion and provides energy and is converted to carbohydrates and water. And a portion is converted to glycogen and stored. In both cases, there is a gradual decrease in the level of sugar in the blood. People with diabetes are unable to get glucose into the cells due to low levels of insulin in the blood. This keeps the blood sugar level from dropping continuously. The level of sugar in the blood does not go down. Fatigue is caused by a lack of energy in the cells. High blood sugar can lead to various diseases.

Nowadays everyone life is full of various stress. Everyone strives to have all the comforts of life in the shortest possible time. For this, we have to work tirelessly. And all the current work is for the brain but not for the body. Tools have come for all kinds of work by mechanical machinists. Thus physical labor has become very rare. The number of diabetics is increasing more and more due to brain overwork and lack of physical activity. Every 5th Indian is a diabetic. This is a very sad thing.

As mentioned earlier, diabetes is not a disease but a metabolic disorder. However, it can lead to many diseases.

If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, there are three main ways to get rid of the disease. They include diet, exercise, and medication.

Diet: Reducing the intake of carbohydrate foods and consuming foods rich in protein and fiber, taking small amounts of food at regular intervals without overeating at the same time. Doing so can help control blood sugar levels. Half-stomach food, half-stomach water, half-stomach air is the advice of the Siddhas.

Exercise: Physical activity is the most important thing to regulate sugar levels. It is best to get up every morning and walk for at least 30 minutes. Swimming and cycling are also good.

Medication: Various medications have been used to regulate blood sugar levels. Their actions are different. We can clearly understand this by current research.

Now, We will look at the medicinal properties of the herb Alangium salviifolium. In Tamil, it is called Kadal Alinjil.

Alangium salviifolium has been used for centuries in Siddha medicine as an antidote for diabetes. It is used as drinking water in combination with many other medicinal products. We will see about this later. Let’s take a look at how Alangium salviifolium controls diabetes right now.

X - Glucosidase inhibitors are an important drug in diabetes caused by carbohydrate metabolism. There are two important X - Glucosidase inhibitors in Alangium salviifolium. They are Salicinol and Kotalanol. These play an important role in lowering blood glucose levels.

It is 200 times more potent and safer than Acarbose, an X - Glucosidase inhibitor produced by chemicals; No side effects. Daily intake of 2.5 to 5 grams of Alangium salviifolium lowers blood sugar and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Through this, we have come to know the scientific benefits of Alangium salviifolium which has been used by the Siddhars for a long time as a suitable medicine for diabetes. It is better to research the ideas expressed by the Siddhas and the uses of the herb more and more instead of blindly criticizing them is like losing ourselves to the wealth they have left behind.

With regard to diabetes following is the scenario today. 1. Encouraging only plans to implement what should be done after the onset of the disease without giving more importance to the prevention of the disease 2. Without giving due importance to the opportunities/environment to get rid of the disease/control of the individual, there seems to be a tendency to become more dependent on the workplaces/professionals.

So, Dietary change (insisting on the inclusion of traditional rice, wheat, millet, ragi, corn, etc.) to use of traditional rice varieties, the promotion of physical activity, exercise, ensuring social security(like land/housing, education, health, job security, etc.) for all people (especially the poor) should be given due prominence. There is no doubt that working on these steps will gradually reduce diabetes count in the country.