The physical and psychological changes that occur due to aging lead to the following changes in diet.

Because the teeth are not firm and the teeth fall out, the food eaten should be soft and easily chewed. Food should be easily digestible as the amount of secretion Saliva that helps in digestion is reduced.

Obesity and fatty foods that cause diseases of the circulatory system should be controlled.

Avoid saturated fatty foods. Avoid energy-dense sweets, fried foods, and starchy foods.

Calcium-rich milk and dairy products should be included to correct bone loss and reduce micro wholes on the bones. Fruits, vegetables, and greens rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants should be included in the diet. Vegetables and fruits can be served as juices, purees, soups, and stews.

Coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages should be controlled as they stimulate the nerves and cause insomnia. It is better to serve the food at short intervals and not just at the three main meals. Because these are easily decomposed. To prevent dehydration and constipation in the body, large amounts of liquid foods should be added.

Reduce salt intake. Good nutrition is one of the most essential in old age. The food we prepare should be nutritious enough. Also, this food should be balanced and edible.

Two types of food are 

1. Tasty Food

2. Good for body

It is good for us when choosing the latter. The following habits would help to ease your health.

Intake two tumblers of plain and clean drinking water in the morning. Walk little distance.  If you have a bicycle, give a small ride. Give slight movement for all attachment areas (neck shoulder, Elbows, Palms, Hips, Knee, Feet… also for eyes) So that blood flow will be smooth. Any favorite fruit after a while.

Reduce taking idli/dosa always. Put any of the flours like millet flour and cornflour available with dosa batter and make it into a dosa. Will be different. (Do not use just cornflour, dosa will come as a kind of rubber).

Mix a little bit of rice flour with wheat flour and salt along with seasoned onion, mustard seed, urad dal, curry leaves, red chilies and make dosas. Avoid high salt, tamarind, coconut. Use sesame oil as much as possible. Eat Roasted peanut, Bengal gram for time pass.

Soaked almonds 4, date 2 (good for women). Women should not miss Sita fruit season 

Eat Fiber-rich vegetables, with limited rice. Constipation will not come. Take spinach. Drumstick leaves twice a  week. Must for women due to Calcium in it. Take tea mixed with ginger Or dry ginger coffee.

Finish dinner by 8 p.m. Takes dinner, that is low in fat or Uppuma, adai, chapati, Kuruma with more vegetables made with sesame oil. Non-veg can be added once a week with very limited.

Those who have sugar, divide the meal into eight portions. Unsweetened Rusk Biscuits, Bengal gram,  Peanuts can always be stocked and eaten lightly.

Eat only as much as you need. Do not overeat. Getting just what you need is what keeps the body healthy. Taking very limited Fat, protein intake will improve health. Veg foods are preferred. Especially green vegetables and fruits are very good. You can try to avoid eating non-veg.

It is better to avoid eating heavy food without hungry. Eat only when you get hungry. If you follow these tips, living in your 60's will be very smooth.