Rudder spinach

In order to make all the benefits of greens reach the people, we have been explaining the nature of greens in each post.

In this post, we will learn about rudder spinach which has numerous medicinal properties. Rudder Spinach is also known as Rumex vesicarius or Ruby dock, or bladder dock.

Rudder spinach is medicinal spinach. These greens contain water, protein, fat, fiber, starch, and mineral salts. Its stem, leaf, and seed are all useful for medicinal purposes. It is less commonly used by people as the medicinal properties of this spinach are not known to many. Thus it is not cultivated.

But, it automatically grows in many places. It thrives in Southwest Asia and North Africa. This is called Sukku keerai, Chokkan keerai in Tamil.

The seeds of this spinach can be purchased and grown in the home garden. It has the ability to cure various diseases. Let us know about the medical benefits of this spinach.

Healing ulcer

Intestinal ulcers are caused by changes in diet, flatulence, and stress. They can cook rudder spinach with mung dal without adding tamarind and eat it with lunch. The ulcer will be cured. It can be made into chutney and eaten.

Correct heart failure

The human heart contracts and expands 72 times per minute. Variation in this means that something is wrong with the body. People with high blood pressure and low blood pressure may not have a regular heartbeat.
If they regularly add rudder spinach to their diet, their heart will be strengthened and they will run smoothly. It is good to eat 48 days continuously. 

Cure toothache

Brush your teeth daily in the morning with a dry rudder spinach root powder. It will strengthen your teeth and gums.

Cure constipation

Diseases are not easily attacked the body if there is no constipation. Rudder spinach is the best medicine to cure this constipation.

Constipation does not occur if rudder spinach is eaten daily in the diet in any way.

To stimulate appetite
For some people, the food they eat is not easily digested. And they will not be hungry.

They can shallow fry rudder spinach with garlic and small onion and make it into chutney and eat. The digestive power will increase. Stimulates appetite well.

Strengthen the liver
The liver can be affected very quickly by those who use alcohol, smoking, and drugs. This increases the bile in their body and is prone to many diseases.

If they make rudder spinach soup and drink it daily, the liver will be well strengthened.

To prevent heartburn

For some people, whatever they eat can cause heartburn without being digested. If they cook rudder spinach with mung dal and eat, the heartburn will go away.

To purify the blood
Man can live a healthy life only if his blood is pure.

Rudder spinach has a blood-purifying effect. Wash and drain the spinach. Shallow fry with pearl onions, garlic, and coconut, grind it well, make as chutney.  Eat it for breakfast.

Scorpion bite

Scorpion stings can cause poisoning and wheezing.

So as soon as the scorpion bites, apply rudder spinach leaves juice on the bite spot. The pain will decrease and there will be no fainting. The venom will soon subside.

And some other medicinal benefits.

Controlling vomiting.
Cures stomach-related diseases.
Reduce the effects of asthma.
Reduce gas.
Cures constipation.

Nutrients in 100g rudder spinach contain

Calcium - 60 mg.
Iron - 9 mg
Phosphorus - 15 mg.
Vitamin A - 6000 IU (International Unit)
Vitamin C - 13 mg.
Thiamine - 0.03 mg.
Riboflavin - 0.066

We will also eat this special rudder spinach and live a long and healthy life.